Trust & Estate

Estate planning remains crucial even in this current climate of federal estate tax uncertainty. Working with trusted advisors and through careful planning, we can ensure business succession, and maximize the financial legacy for estate beneficiaries.

We work closely with family members, personal representatives, and attorneys to help minimize estate taxes and assure fulfillment of the estate plan. We prepare the necessary tax returns, including the estate and fiduciary income tax returns.

A valuable tool in estate planning is the use of one or more trusts. Rackers & Fernandez, LLC professionals have the experience to guide trustees through the administration of a trust and assist in complying with federal and state tax requirements. We will also assist in trust funding and related asset selection and disclaimer education and planning.

For over 25 years, Rackers & Fernandez, LLC professionals have been providing the expertise to help clients reach their goals. Call us today to see how we can help you reach yours.

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